Table of Contents


View a more structured order of the articles in this blog! (Click on the topics)

  1. Particle Physics - Introduction
  2. More on Particle Physics and Why it matters?
  3. Antimatter - Introduction
  4. Subatomic Particles - Introduction
  5. Introduction to the Standard Model and its components
  6. More on the Standard Model and its components (Including an introduction to Higgs Boson)
  7. How were Neutrinos Discovered?
  8. What are Quarks, Leptons and Bosons? 
  9. The Fundamental Forces
  10. Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics and Quantum Chromodynamics
  11. Gluons
  12. Introduction to Feynman Diagrams
  13. Hadrons
  14. Matter At Subatomic Level - Quick Summary
  15. Higgs Field with a Touch of Time Travel
  16. Strong Interaction
  17. Beta Decay
  18. Weak Interaction
  19. The Survival of a Neutron
  20. Cosmic Rays
  1. Special Transverse Sound Waves Discovered!
  2. Tetra-Neutron Experiment finds evidence for particle comprising four neutrons
  3. Discovery of 'split photons'
  4. Boson clouds could explain Dark Matter!
  5. Quantum marbles in a bowl of light
  6. Angular-Spectrum-Dependent Interference
  7. Ultracold Atoms Form a Crystal of Quantum Tornadoes
  8. Physicists detect a hybrid particle held together by uniquely intense 'glue'
  9. First detection of exotic 'X' particles in quark-gluon plasma
  10. Cosmic physics mimicked on table-top as graphene enables Schwinger effect
  11. Phase-change material enables active tuning of lattice Kerker effect 
  12. Center stage for quantum mechanical entanglement in an attosecond laser laboratory 
  13. Researchers develop complete theory to describe high-energy vortex scattering 
  14. Study introduces the intrinsic superconducting diode effect
  15. Dark energy: Neutron stars will tell us if it's only an illusion
  16. The Electron-Ion Collider: A precision tool for studying the 'glue' that binds visible matter
  17. Homing in on the Higgs boson interaction with the charm quark
  18. Research team measures the mass of the top quark with unparalleled accuracy
  19. Astrophysicists simulate a fuzzy dark matter galactic halo

I will regularly update the table of contents.

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With Warm Wishes,


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