Table of contents WHAT ARE QUARKS, LEPTONS AND BOSONS? View my previous article here - How were Neutrinos Discovered? View the next article here - The Fundamental Forces ----------------------------------------- Here is a brief overview of what are quarks, leptons and bosons - families of particles that make up the Standard Model! (Based on what has been discussed so far). * ADDITIONAL * - A fermion is any particle that has an odd half-integer (like 1/2, 3/2, and so forth) spin. Quarks and leptons , as well as most composite particles, like protons and neutrons , are fermions. QUARKS: Quarks are subatomic particles that are found in protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus. There are 6 quarks . Up quark and Down quark belong to the first generation. Charm quark and Strange quark belong to the second generation. Top quark and Bottom quark belong to the third generation. The second and thi...
Table of contents GLUONS View my previous article here - Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics and Quantum Chromodynamics View the next article here - Introduction to Feynman Diagrams ----------------------------------------- Just like how electrons carry the electric charge, the quarks also carry the electric charge, but this electric charge is weaker in quarks. Quarks additionally carry a coloured charge , as discussed in the previous article . This coloured charge generates a gluon force field. An accelerating quark creates a vibrating ripple in the gluon field, which is known as gluons. Just like how a photon can create an electron and positron (anti-electron) pair - energetic gluon can create a quark and antiquark pair - While the electromagnetic charge has only one version, the colour charge has 3. But the colour charge never shows up in the hadron quark combinations. (Keep reading to find out about hadrons.) This led to the idea that the three colour charges...
Table of contents PARTICLE PHYSICS - INTRODUCTION View the next article here - More on Particle Physics and Why it matters? ----------------------------------------- What is Particle physics? Let me give a hint by telling you what particles are? Everything in our universe is made up of extremely small components known as particles. Now did you get it? Particle Physics is nothing but the study of how our universe was made and what our universe is constituted of. To prove their existence and see how they behave, scientists observe them until the particles leave a sign. Often, instead of waiting for the particles to leave a sign, they make particles by colliding known particles. How? Well, the accelerators speed up the known particles almost to the speed of light. The particles collide and release massive energy, which results in the creation of new particles. This is why Particle physics is also known as High Energy Physics . At present, there are 17 particles that have been ident...
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