Particle Physics - Introduction




What is Particle physics?
Let me give a hint by telling you what particles are?
Everything in our universe is made up of extremely small components known as particles.
Now did you get it?

Particle Physics is nothing but the study of how our universe was made and what our universe is constituted of.

To prove their existence and see how they behave, scientists observe them until the particles leave a sign.
Often, instead of waiting for the particles to leave a sign, they make particles by colliding known particles.


Well, the accelerators speed up the known particles almost to the speed of light. The particles collide and release massive energy, which results in the creation of new particles.

This is why Particle physics is also known as High Energy Physics.

At present, there are 17 particles that have been identified. The theory that describes them is known as the Standard Model. Each particle has its own properties.

The Standard model explains many things like -
  • About light and how we can see
  • How atoms are formed and how they behave
  • How electricity works
No experiment has ever proven the Standard Model "WRONG". Yet, we know it is wrong. 
Its goal is to describe EVERYTHING.

But there is a lot it does not tell us about.
It does not tell us about -
  • Gravity
  • Dark matter - which makes up about 27% of the universe
  • and much more...
Now the question that comes is, how can we make it better?
  • By conducting more experiments
  • We need to be clear about what we are looking for
  • Have more ideas, think outside the box
  • Find possible solutions to problems in the Standard Model

Thus, for particle physics, both - theory and experiments are needed.


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With Warm Wishes,


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