Discover More: Homing in on the Higgs boson interaction with the charm quark

Homing in on the 

Higgs boson interaction 

with the charm quark

Date Posted: 29th March 2022

Since the Higgs Boson was discovered about a decade ago, various investigations have been made to observe how the Higgs Boson interacts with the fundamental particles that make up matter - like quarks and leptons. 

In the Standard Model of particle physics, these matter particles fall into three "generations" of increasing mass, and the Higgs boson interacts with them with a strength that is proportional to their mass.

Although the interactions with a muon, a second-generation lepton, has been observed earlier, only recently has the strength of the Higgs Boson interaction with the charm quark, a second-generation quark, been observed.

In their latest studies, using data from the second run of the LHC, the two teams searched for the decay of the Higgs boson into a charm quark and its antimatter counterpart, the charm antiquark.

(I will be publishing more about decays in my upcoming posts!)

Don't forget to read more on!

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Source: CERN

Read More: Click here! (article on


Lopes, A. (2022, March 11). Homing in on the Higgs boson interaction with the charm quark.;


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